lördag 2 augusti 2008

Bush, en modern Harry Truman

I sista numret av tidskriften "Prospekt" (149-2008) skriver Edward Luttwak en ytterst intressant artikel om president Bushs utrikespolitik. Luttwark framför linjen att med alla fel och brister lyckades Bush om inte stoppa det militanta Islams anfall på USA och Västeuropa åtmintonde starkt bromsa upp detta anfall. Förhoppningsfullt har han rätt då det annars inte blir så trevigt för oss. Man kan inte utan vidare avföra argument från en person med Luttwaks renome så jag anser att artikeln är värd att spridas. Pga copyrigth lagar klistrar jag inte in artikeln i bloggen utan ger dess URL.

Bifogar här några rader om Luttwak tagna från Wikkipedia

Luttwak was born into a Jewish family in Arad, Romania, raised in Italy an England. He attended London School of ekonomics and Johns Hopkins University, where he recived a doctorate. His first academic post, before moving to the United States, was at the University of Bath. In 2008 he became a senior Advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies i Washington D.C..

He has served as a consultant to the office of the Secretary of Defence, The National Security Council, the US Department of State, the US Navy, US Army, US Air Force, and several NATO defence ministries. He was a member of the National Security Study Group of the US Department of Defence, and an associate of the Japan Finance Ministry's Institute of Fiscal and Monitary Policy. With tree other partners, he established and operated a self-sufficient forrest-conservation ranch i the southern Amazon baisin.


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